Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baptisms of Water and Love

From Jill: Since we have arrived, we have been imersed in love - a baptism of sorts. The children just love to be loved! Some, like Rueben or Tonio will come right up and hug you...other like Jose and Alex will break out into a huge smile and wave for you to come over to them....and some like Teddy or Pasqual will just keep calling you name until they get the attention they want. Irene grabs one of our hands, gets us to sit down, sits on our laps, and then just wants to touch our faces. Consue will drag one of us to the swings, or have us look into his backpack, again! These are only the children that are mobile and/or can verbally communicate. There are many who watch us with their eyes as we pass by. It's important to be intentional and stop and pay attention to these children as well; like Shelly who can only lay on her back, but understands what she hears and loves to laugh. Or Lydia whose tiny body is twisted and knows when she is being held. Each of these children have the same need: to know LOVE. They need to know the love of Jesus Christ. This they learn by not only being told, but shown as well. A hug or special time with an individual is precious. There is need for more staff and more volunteers to love on these children. We have been so blessed on this visit with their unconditional love.
Unconditional love has been shown to us from Jesus as well. Because He died and rose again, we can have eternal life. Today we had the privilege of witnessing 4 Gabriel House baptisms! We drove out on the long, dusty, bumpy roads to a water hole. Two of the Children form the Gabriel House and one of the Assistant Directors with his son were all baptised. Alex, the middle of three brothers here, is wheelchair bound, and was carried into the water. Sergio was able to walk right in and almost dunked himself before the Pastor did! They were both SO excited! Everyone was touched and it was a beautiful experience. Praise God that we were here "for such a time as this"!
1 John 3:1 "How great is the LOVE the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called CHILDREN of God:" Allelujah!!