Tuesday, September 7, 2010

...back in California...

From Jill: Leaving the Gabriel House was hard to do...it seemed like we just unpacked and then we were leaving. My heart was heavy. I long for the day when our 'good-byes' will be for short terms instead of our 'hellos'. (I've posted some extra photos of our Gabriel House visit, and will post more late.)
We left very early in the morning and caught the 7:30 bus from Ensenada to the border. Our stay at my cousins' house in San Diego was extra special as cousins Mike and new wife Nikki stopped by for hugs and hellos. (see photo)
Tuesday has been a travel day. My cousin George taxied us to the Mex Med office in Lemon Grove, CA (near San Diego) where I got to help sort some files. Then MM'er Craig Libby drove us half way to MM'er Vince Trujillo's, and Vince picked us up and took us to his home. Vince lives in a rural area of California, about an hour east of LA - very different than Tijuana and San Diego - and more like Mexico. We are staying with Vince and his wonderful wife Gail until Friday morning. Vince and Gail are going to give us some missionary training. They've been serving with Mex Med for over 10 years, and in the Philippines before that. Ed and I are both looking forward to our time here. Just in the few hours of getting acquainted we've learned a lot! It's great to learn from others that have already walked the path were on.
Since I've been humming a praise song all day about singing to the Lord, I'll end tonight's post with Psalm 100: "Shout for JOY to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness: come before Him with joyful songs!" Salmos 100: "Cantad algres a DIOS, habiantes de todas la tierra . Servid a Jehova con alegria: Venid ante su presencia con regocijo!"