Wednesday, September 29, 2010

He is Faithful

From Jill:Well, we've recovered from our visit West, sleep-wise that is. Our hearts still hurt. I've posted some more photos of the children...we never grow tired of seeing them!

I'm sorry for the gap in blogging. I find it's easier to blog when things are "happening", but then it's more of a report, and not really what's going on behind the scenes (or in our hearts).

I read this verse yesterday at Bible study,Hebrews 10 verse 23 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful...". This verse was written to remind us of our hope in Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life. But it spoke to me a bit differently regarding our "call" to the mission field of Mexico.

He IS faithful to His promises, and we need to continue to hope and believe without wavering. Praise God! Ed and I have not been wavering! Rather, we have been boldly embracing His promise and the hope found in that promise! We can say that without a doubt that God wants us to obey Him by going to Mexico to work at the Gabriel House with Mexican Medical Ministries. We can say without a doubt that we desire with both our hearts to obey and honor that mandate.
And we hold fast without wavering that He who promised is faithful! Hallelujah!

Because of this recent visit we have been privileged to witness the move of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those with a faith in Jesus Christ and those without. We have recently been contacted by someone who, though not a believer in Jesus Christ, can see the hand of God in our lives, and has decided to join our team of monthly supporters. And while we are excited to receive another supporter, it is even more exciting to see the hand of God in his life!

That's what this process is about...obeying God, stepping forward and experiencing the faithfulness of God. Ed and I are humbled and honored to be considered worthy by the Father for the work He has in store for us. And along the way, we are humbled and honored to witness the beauty and amazing love the Father has for those we come in contact with.

May your day be blessed with the knowledge of the uncompromising truth that God loves you!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


From Jill: So, sorry - my Wednesday and Thursday got mixed up...this jet lag thing is weird! It seems easier to go East to West than West to East. Oh well, here I am!
Ed's back to work and enjoys being back in a routine, but admits the jet lag is leaving him a bit tired. This is our week to make a "game plan" for our "game plan" - does that make sense? We learned so much at the staff retreat and from our training - too much to take in all at once. So, this week we are breaking it down and planning on how to embrace it all!
Last night we had our first "business meeting"! Actually, it was the first time we've had to sit down and talk together about everything on our visit....which really improves communication! Our first goal is to make up a realistic financial plan. This is more than a budget, it's a look into the future to see what ways the finances we raise will be used. Not just in our personal lives but in our ministry as well. This will help us immensely when make presentations, answer questions and ask for support.
Our next goal is to work on our presentation. We need to have a 15 minute presentation that includes our mission, info about us and the financial support we are seeking. It doesn't have to be exactly 15 minutes, but it's a good amount of time to talk! The amount lends itself well to speaking at churches and in peoples homes. It's a model that we can shorten or lengthen depending on our situation. It's an amount that respects people's time, allows for questions and discussion, and if possible, a media presentation (like a 5 minute video).
Please pray for us this week as we work on these two goals. We want to honor God with our time and energy, and be open to His working through us. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10
(The photo above is of me helping Raul Gabriel have lunch. Raul, now a young man, is the namesake of the Gabriel House. He was the first boy taken in by the Favers, and the beginning of a new ministry for them and a place of love, hope and health for countless more to come.)
We will be away this weekend, so we'll blog ya Monday!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, Monday

From Jill: Yawn! What a sleepy, rainy day! Ed had a successful day at work, and I began transitioning back to life in NH...I take more time than Ed! Today we started preparing updated business cards and new prayer cards. We also have a new monthly supporter! Hooray! It's always fun to welcome new people to our team!
This week we'll be getting back into the old life (doctor's appointments, work, Bible Study) and adding the "new" life of preparing for the mission field (seeking financial support, scheduling appointments, developing goals). It's a job unto itself! Please pray for us as we make this new adjustment to our lifestyle.
I'll blog ya Wednesday-
Thank you for your prayers, Jill

Sunday, September 12, 2010


From Jill: Well, we made it! Back home again and already missing California and Mexico...but terrific to see my folks and our four-footed kids! Our pets were SO happy to see us! They've been following us around like shadows all day!
Our last night we watched a movie with my brother James, then he took us to the airport via the coastline - it was sad to say goodbye... (see photos)
Our day of flying went well - just seemed long - but everything went very well! We arrived in Manchester, NH at 9pm to the smile of our friend Kristi. She taxied us to her place where we spent our last night on the road. Before bed, we shared about our trip and she shared about her Haiti missions trip. Wonderful conversation!
We arrived home today about 1pm. The weather wasn't very welcoming...cold, gray and rainy. So, I took a nap (see photo) and Ed watched the Patriot's game with my Mom. My parents are thrilled at our return and Ed's are happy, too. Monday Ed is looking forward to returning to work and I shall slowly re-enter life with laundry and unpacking.
Then, we need to start processing ALL that we learned and experienced! Please pray for us! Thank you for your prayers throughout our travels! Your love, prayers and support made this trip possible!
Since we've been blogging so often, I'm going to keep it up, if not daily, on a regular basis so we can share how we're doing with you. So, I'll blog ya Monday!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Our Final Day

From Jill: What a day! and it's not over yet! My brother James picked us up at the Trujillos' house at 9am and off we went! It took about 2 hours to get to LA where we met with my cousin Philip (see photo of us) at the Universal Studios Walk, an area outside of the theme park with lots of stores, restaurants and photo ops! We visited for half an hour, shared about the Gabriel House and answered questions. It was great to share the passion God has placed on our hearts!
After, we walked around and took photos...of course! Then headed back to LA to the Hollywood Blvd Walk of Stars, the Chinese Theater, the Kodak Theater, Beverly Hills - taking photos all the while! Tonight we are watching a movie at my brother's place (that takes place in LA!) then off to sleep...
Our flight leaves at 11am Pacific Time Saturday. We should arrive back in Manchester, NH at 9pm Eastern Time. There we will be met by our friends Roy and Kristi Hunter, who will taxi us to their home nearby for a good night's rest. Then Sunday we head north to the White Mountains of HOME!
So that's our schedule. We're glad we had a day to unwind. My brother (see photo) is a great tour guide and we have had a fun and full day. It's hard to believe that only 5 days ago we were in Mexico at the Gabriel House...we miss it and the children...a part of our hearts has been left behind. Our time at the Trujillo's was beneficial in helping us set goals of time and finances, which we look forward to sharing with you. We probably wont be able to blog Saturday, but will try Sunday, to follow-up on our trip. We hope you'll join us then!
Dios Le bendiga ~ God bless you!

Getting Ready for Our Last Day...

From Jill: Well, our time of learning at the Trujillo's passed by quickly. We learned so much - our brains are on overload! It's been a terrific time: lots of fellowship, learning and laughter! Last night we relaxed a bit...Ed and Cade Trujillo played Beatles Rock Band (see photo) which was very fun! Vince Trujillo took Ed and his camera out looking for coyotes and snipes... he got a great sunset picture! (above) We will miss the Trujillos.(see photo) Our time here has been beneficial and a blessing. Please pray for their family as Gail is off to care for her Mother for several weeks, and then the family will be driving East to visit family, churches and friends. Also please pray for Ryan Trujillo that he would be employed soon with a wonderful company.
We shift gears today-our last offical day on the West Coast! We will be spending it with my brother James (who will be arriving soon). He is bringing us back to LA, where we will first spend time visiting with my cousin Philip Wagner. Then, it's SPEED TOUR LA! Yes, today we shall have lots of laughter I'm sure! This is Ed's first visit to LA since my brother has lived here, so we will have great fun showing him around! I hope to share some of the highlights with you before we head home Saturday morning.
We have had a wonderful West Coast Experience. Thank you for all of the prayers, financial support, and physical helps that have made this an incredible trip! It's been a whirlwind, but a wonderful whirlwind! We are coming away from this trip so blessed, so refreshed, so full of information, and so grateful. Let us give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good and HIS LOVE endures forever!
Even though we have been very busy, I am thankful for those special hours in the morning and found throughout the day, when I can BE STILL and focus on my many blessings and come before the Lord in prayer. Spending time with Him has been the anchor for both of us on this journey. Psalm 46: 10 says "Be STILL and know that I AM God ! I shall be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ministry Traning

From Jill: September is BACK TO SCHOOL time!!!!! Our teachers/hosts Vince and Gail Trujillo (see photos) are imparting years of training and wisdom on us in two and a half days!!!! It really has been wonderful, though intense. We will be leaving here with a set of goals that we can share with you, a better idea of when we plan to move to Mexico and miriads of other tidbits that will hopefully be retained and used! Another blessing is that the Trujilos will be acting as mentors to us, and we will be checking in on a regular basis with them on how we are doing with financial support raising, on-going training and spiritual wellness. It will be great having support and accountability.

Gail has been a terrific hostess as well, preparing the most wonderful meals for us.... we feel spoiled! They even have a Starbucks coffee bar! Now that's spoiled!!!! We have been spending each day learning, observing and even have homework! The Trujillos' have looked at what we've been upto so far and have provided guidance and correction that will enable us to better serve as "pre-field" missionaries. We're excited to share some of the results with you!
We have also enjoyed two the company of Ryan and Cade, two of their sons, and their cute little dog Roxie! The Trujillo's are planning an East Coast expedition this fall to visit some of their children and we hope to connect with them in Boston.
It feels like we've been gone a month, rather than a week and a half, with all the mini-visits and trips we've made: LA, San Diego, Puerto Nuevo, The Gabriel House, San Diego, the Trujillos', then LA on Friday and NH on Saturday! Quite a full two weeks! As you can imagine, we've taken MANY photos!!! It's been fun sharing some of them with you!
With all of this "schooling" I thought this Proverb would be good to share: Proverbs 8:10-11 "Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her (wisdom)".

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

...more photos of Mexico...

Photo memories of Mexico

Above are some memories of the Northern Baja Mexican Region....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

...back in California...

From Jill: Leaving the Gabriel House was hard to seemed like we just unpacked and then we were leaving. My heart was heavy. I long for the day when our 'good-byes' will be for short terms instead of our 'hellos'. (I've posted some extra photos of our Gabriel House visit, and will post more late.)
We left very early in the morning and caught the 7:30 bus from Ensenada to the border. Our stay at my cousins' house in San Diego was extra special as cousins Mike and new wife Nikki stopped by for hugs and hellos. (see photo)
Tuesday has been a travel day. My cousin George taxied us to the Mex Med office in Lemon Grove, CA (near San Diego) where I got to help sort some files. Then MM'er Craig Libby drove us half way to MM'er Vince Trujillo's, and Vince picked us up and took us to his home. Vince lives in a rural area of California, about an hour east of LA - very different than Tijuana and San Diego - and more like Mexico. We are staying with Vince and his wonderful wife Gail until Friday morning. Vince and Gail are going to give us some missionary training. They've been serving with Mex Med for over 10 years, and in the Philippines before that. Ed and I are both looking forward to our time here. Just in the few hours of getting acquainted we've learned a lot! It's great to learn from others that have already walked the path were on.
Since I've been humming a praise song all day about singing to the Lord, I'll end tonight's post with Psalm 100: "Shout for JOY to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness: come before Him with joyful songs!" Salmos 100: "Cantad algres a DIOS, habiantes de todas la tierra . Servid a Jehova con alegria: Venid ante su presencia con regocijo!"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ed The blogger Numero Tres.


Matthew 5:16 " Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly father "

Well we made it to the U.S.A today around 10:00 A.m. Many thanks to Pancho, whose wife Angelica and he oversee the Gabriel House, for giving us a ride to the bus terminal in Ensenada. Ensenada is about 125 miles South of Tiajuana and about 15 miles North of Maneadero ( where the Gabriel House is located ). Many Many thanks to cousin George and cousin Sheri for picking us up in the U.S.A. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Brother Jamie for giving us a ride to San-Diego from L.A.

Also, We could not have made it through this part of our trip without all of your support ( Both prayerfully and Financially )!!

My prayer request is that you continue to pray for the Gabriel House especially the staff that works tirelessly. Also, for two very special Orphans, Marcos and Irene,( See pictures ) as they are supposed to be leaving The Gabriel House to attend a different Orphanage. This Orphanage is designed to work with children who have H.I.V. Marcos loves to run and he is very very smart. Irene just loves individual physical attention ( She played Pattie Cake with Me and she enjoyed leading me around the Gabriel house ). Also, pray for the Orpans at the Gabrial House to be adopted to loving families!!

We found out two children who were at the Gabriel House on our previuos trip have since been adopted. PRAISE GOD!!!

On a sad note two girls who we met on our previous trip have since passed away. Jill was able to bond with one whose name was GABBIE. The other girls name was ROSARITA, she was one of four sisters. We cannot wait to see them in heaven!

So please continue to pray for the Gabriel House!

Prayerfully, Senor Ed!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baptisms of Water and Love

From Jill: Since we have arrived, we have been imersed in love - a baptism of sorts. The children just love to be loved! Some, like Rueben or Tonio will come right up and hug you...other like Jose and Alex will break out into a huge smile and wave for you to come over to them....and some like Teddy or Pasqual will just keep calling you name until they get the attention they want. Irene grabs one of our hands, gets us to sit down, sits on our laps, and then just wants to touch our faces. Consue will drag one of us to the swings, or have us look into his backpack, again! These are only the children that are mobile and/or can verbally communicate. There are many who watch us with their eyes as we pass by. It's important to be intentional and stop and pay attention to these children as well; like Shelly who can only lay on her back, but understands what she hears and loves to laugh. Or Lydia whose tiny body is twisted and knows when she is being held. Each of these children have the same need: to know LOVE. They need to know the love of Jesus Christ. This they learn by not only being told, but shown as well. A hug or special time with an individual is precious. There is need for more staff and more volunteers to love on these children. We have been so blessed on this visit with their unconditional love.
Unconditional love has been shown to us from Jesus as well. Because He died and rose again, we can have eternal life. Today we had the privilege of witnessing 4 Gabriel House baptisms! We drove out on the long, dusty, bumpy roads to a water hole. Two of the Children form the Gabriel House and one of the Assistant Directors with his son were all baptised. Alex, the middle of three brothers here, is wheelchair bound, and was carried into the water. Sergio was able to walk right in and almost dunked himself before the Pastor did! They were both SO excited! Everyone was touched and it was a beautiful experience. Praise God that we were here "for such a time as this"!
1 John 3:1 "How great is the LOVE the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called CHILDREN of God:" Allelujah!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Señor Ed The Blogger Numero Dos

Lamentations 3:22-23
" The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness"
On thursday night we attended church with seven children from the Gabrielle House!! It was such a Joy watching the children praise God while sitting in their wheel chairs. Also, when I went to up to the alter to pray, I felt a hand on my back. When I was done praying, I turned around and saw that the hand belonged to Teddy, an orphan boy who has-been with the Gabriel House for a-long time! Praise God for children!
Today ( Friday ), I sat in on a school session. The children were laughing at my spanish or lack there of! The children were very proud of their work as they were learning to write their numbers and letters in their notebooks.!
Also, I had the honor of feeding one of 3-sisters who is wheel-chair bound lunch. Sonja constantly spat up her lunch and would laugh at me. All the children have great laughs!!
Please continue to pray for the Gabriel House, Especially for Sonja and her sister as they are both really sick!
Love and Prayers, Señor ED