Tuesday, August 31, 2010


From Jill: nosotros estamos aqui! We are here!!!!! We arrived in Puerto Nuevo on Monday afternoon, the location of Mexican Medical Ministries staff retreat. Puerto Nuevo is about 45 minutes south of the border, right on the coast. It's a beautiful facility that has been perfect for our retreat. There are about 20 of us from all up and down the Baja Peninsula, from the many Mexican Medical Ministries outposts. We spend time in the evening visiting, singing and praying. During the day we are having training and meetings. Ed and I have also had time to visit one on one with the President of MMM, Steve Crews and his wife Jan, regarding the Gabriel House. Today we had some free time and walked into the village of Pueto Nuevo to look in the shops and go swimming. We are so grateful for this experience - Thank you to all of you who helped make this visit possible!
This has been the first opportunity to check in and say "Hola"... hopefully tomorrow (Wednesday) we'll have time to write more and post photos. Adios!