I'd like to introduce you to Pete the Pelican. It's not a photo you'd expect to see on our blog, but read on... We see Pete regularly on the way to the Gabriel House, (and for some reason named him "Pete" and not "Pedro"). When he is joined by other aviation specialists we say that he is having fellowship or a bible study. Anyway, Pete is a great example of one's relationship with God. Although we love to see Pete every day, he doesn't move along. He is content to stay where he is. Many times that is a good idea for all of us. But what else is there, beyond our comfort zones? Beyond our weekly church attendance and bible studies? How often it's easy to just stay on the dock and have God come to us and not meet God elsewhere. I'm not talking about packing up and moving to Mexico. I'm talking about matters of the heart, our spiritual location. And I'm not preaching to you - I'm sharing where I often wind up... on the dock, waiting for God to come and fix my problems or restore me to right fellowship with Him. Even though we physically stepped out to Mexico, God wants me to continually step out spirituall, like Peter walking on water. Yet is was only when he looked at Jesus, and not at his feet, did he succeed. So that's the message God's placed on my life this week - to step out on the water, looking up, and trusting Him with each step. He will open up the way before me if I take steps of trust. So, that's where I am today. I need prayers on stepping out and trusting God, not myself, with all matters. Thanks for listening!

Ed with Emiliano
Speaking of "stepping out", this little Emiliano is on his way to school. He steps out in faith each time he tries to walk (he is learning to move upright). He is learning day by day. Emiliano now attends school by himself in the afternoon. Doesn't he look adorable in his little uniform! Thank you for your prayers for him... continue to pray as he adjusts to his new life at the Gabriel House.
Hello Teddy! Teddy and I share the same birthday! So in November we will do something special together. We will try to something away from the Gabriel House, because that is alwasy a treat for the children! We also both love yellow! It's special to have a "birthday buddy" in Mexico because my original birthday buddy is far away in New Hampshire, (my nephew Nathan - the BEST birthday present ever)! Teddy is bilingual and has a great sense of humor. He often tells us the wrong word and then laughs when we try to use it while speaking! This is a photo of him at church. He loves going to church, clapping to the music, hearing the Word of God, and having special time with others. Their church is wonderful. They see those who come from the Gabriel House as God sees them - on the inside, not the pyhsical outside. Thank you Jesus for this church! Thank you Jesus for Teddy!
Thank you all for your continued prayers, support and encouragement! Dios le bendiga, God Bless you! Jill