Monday, May 9, 2011

Getting ready to head South...

Well, it's Monday the 9th and we're ready to head South of the Border! We will be leaving this afternoon from the Mexican Medical Ministries HQ in Lemon Grove, CA (just a jot from San Diego), with Mex-Med staffer Amy - Can't wait!!!! Cousin George Morgan will provide faithful Taxi services to the office.
Cousin Sheri, George's wife displays one of the nurses' scrubs that she collected for the Gabriel House staff! The GH staff ned to provide their own work clothing so they appreciate the donations of scrubs. Thanks Sheri!!
!This morning Ed is pouring over his Spanish lessons book!
We are looking forward to going to the retreat to re-conneect with other MexMed missionaries and staff.

We are reviewing Bible verses that pertain to our upcoming training, including Matthew 25:14-46, which talks about entrusting the gifts that God has given us and how we use them, as well as receive them.
We will  both be blogging as much as possible during our week, so that you can enjoy the journey with us! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!   j