The Three Stooges! No, Actually our helpful cousins George Morgan and Tim Wagner, who helped drive us around and accommodate us!
A parting shot of the pacific Coast...
Welcome home to New Hampshire! Our friend Kristi Hunter met us at the Manchester airport and took this photo of us in front of the "Welcome Moose"...she was our NH great to have such gracious and wonderful support on both sides of the country!! God is so good with his provisions!
Good news! We are close to 60% supported now! So the anticipated fall departure is becoming a reality! WOW! We are totally excited, but facing the reality of saying goodbye to family is hard... also, my (Jill) mind is racing with all of the things involved with moving! Please pray for us!
This week we will be working on a newsletter to send out over the next few weeks, sharing the good news of our adventure, and of course, the Good News of the Gospel!