Friday, December 16, 2011


I want to introduce you to Jesus ( hay-zeus ). He likes the color green, dark chocolate candy, and laughing at me, er with me as I attempt to speek Spanish. Jesus turned 23 yesterday! Jesus has been a blessing not only to me and Jill, but to the entire staff at the Gabriel House! Jesus helps in teaching the boys and assisting with their day to day needs ( Getting dressed, feeding, and helps get them ready for bed! ). Jesus has helped me and Jill with our Spanish and has put up with our New England accents! Please pray that Jesus will continue to be a positive influence on the staff and the children!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


  I would like to introduce you to Jaime ( HY-ME ). Jaime is an 11 year old boy whom I had the pleasure of interacting with last saturday! Jaime, as you can see, has a beautiful smile and enjoys getting out of wheel chair and playing on the new turf in the courtyard of the Gabriel House! Please pray for Jaime that he would continue to brighten everyones day!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Meet Victor

     I would like you to meet VICTOR!! Victor is 25 years old and he has been at the Gabriel House for over 15 years! Victor has a laugh that will brighten anyones day!! I have had the honor and priviledge recently of interacting with victor and he has a wonderful sense of humor!! Please pray that Victor will continue to make people smile and that God will continue to use Victor in a mighty way!

~ Senor Ed ~

Wednesday, November 9, 2011



   I would like you to meet Teddy. Teddy just celebrated his 12TH birthday!! Teddy loves pepperoni pizza, a chocolate-vanilla frosting-buzz light year cake and his favorite color is yellow. Teddy is very friendly to the Gabriel House Staff and out in public( Teddy shakes hands and says Hola! to everyone he meets. Teddy has my vote for Mayor of Maneadero ).Teddy has been a real blessing to us. He has helped us with our Spanish and Teddy speaks English really well! Please pray that Teddy will continue to be a positive influence on the other children!
~ Senor Ed ~

Friday, October 28, 2011

One of God's wonderful Creations.

   This is a picture of me with Sergio, one of God's many wonderful creations! Sergio is one of three children I take to school in Ensenada. Every morning Sergio is waiting at the Gabriel House with his school uniform on and he is vey excited to go off to school! Sergio loves to listen to praise music at the Gabriel house and in my car on the way to school.  One of his His favorite songs is  "Father Abraham ", he does the hand and feet movements during the song. Sergio loves attending class and he receives
 positive feedback from his teacher! Please pray that Sergio will continue to enjoy school and that his love for praise music would continue!
  PSALM 100:1-2

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meet Pete

I'd like to introduce you to Pete the Pelican. It's not a photo you'd expect to see on our blog, but read on...  We see Pete regularly on the way to the Gabriel House, (and for some reason named him "Pete" and not "Pedro"). When he is joined by other aviation specialists we say that he is having fellowship or a bible study. Anyway, Pete is a great example of one's relationship with God. Although we love to see Pete every day, he doesn't move along. He is content to stay where he is. Many times that is a good idea for all of us. But what else is there, beyond our comfort zones? Beyond our weekly church attendance and bible studies? How often it's easy to just stay on the dock and have God come to us and not meet God elsewhere. I'm not talking about packing up and moving to Mexico. I'm talking about matters of the heart, our spiritual location. And I'm not preaching to you - I'm sharing where I often wind up... on the dock, waiting for God to come and fix my problems or restore me to right fellowship with Him. Even though we physically stepped out to Mexico, God wants me to continually step out spirituall, like Peter walking on water. Yet is was only when he looked at Jesus, and not at his feet, did he succeed. So that's the message God's placed on my life this week - to step out on the water, looking up, and trusting Him with each step. He will open up the way before me if I take steps of trust. So, that's where I am today. I need prayers on stepping out and trusting God, not myself, with all matters. Thanks for listening!

Ed with Emiliano
Speaking of "stepping out", this little Emiliano is on his way to school. He steps out in faith each time he tries to walk (he is learning to move upright). He is learning day by day. Emiliano now attends school by himself in the afternoon. Doesn't he look adorable in his little uniform! Thank you for your prayers for him... continue to pray as he adjusts to his new life at the Gabriel House. 

Hello Teddy! Teddy and I share the same birthday! So in November we will do something special together. We will try to something away from the Gabriel House, because that is alwasy a treat for the children! We also both love yellow! It's special to have a "birthday buddy" in Mexico because my original birthday buddy is far away in New Hampshire, (my nephew Nathan - the BEST birthday present ever)! Teddy is bilingual and has a great sense of humor. He often tells us the wrong word and then laughs when we try to use it while speaking! This is a photo of him at church. He loves going to church, clapping to the music, hearing the Word of God, and having special time with others. Their church is wonderful. They see those who come from the Gabriel House as God sees them - on the inside, not the pyhsical outside. Thank you Jesus for this church! Thank you Jesus for Teddy! 

Thank you all for your continued prayers, support and encouragement! Dios le bendiga, God Bless you! Jill

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mark 10:27

    During our bible reading this morning, this verse caught our attention: MARK 10:27 " WHOEVER RECEIVES ONE OF THESE LITTLE CHILDREN IN MY NAME RECEIVES ME '
  Three other children started school this week. They are very, very, very excited in the morning when I pick them up for school. The school is about twenty minutes from the Gabrielle House. The children are currently going for two hours each day. I am planning on taking a free sign language class while they are in school.
   Thank-You for your continued prayers and support!
~ Senor Ed ~

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Light of the World

Finally! Some photos! These are photos of Ed and I when the Dental Clinic came to the Gabriel House. Ed is holding Emiliano while he gets examined, and I am helping out with Ely.
This week Ed has been able to bring more children to special education school! Three Downs Syndrome children are going to school designed for their special needs. They are so excited every day! And they look adorable in their uniforms (all schools have uniform codes here) and their backpacks! This is a huge answer to prayer!
Other children are taught right at the Gabriel House with their teachers (Maestos) Lili and Jesus (Hey-zoos). The older ones are learning multiplication now - my Mom would be so happy!
We have met a special couple who come to the GH twice a week, every week, to play with and love on the children. They are fellow believers and live just 8 doors down from us! We are both looking for a church, so please keep that in your prayers. We are going to one in Ensenada this Sunday. It has both English and Spanish services. It would be wonderful to attend the Spanish ones soon!
So Ed says the other day: "I was thinking about Emiliano and his blindness, and how wonderful it will be when the first thing he ever sees will be Jesus!" WOW!
And Emilano is aware of light and dark... how I wish we all were that spiritually aware...
Praying for the light of Jesus in your lives, Jill

"I am the light of the world; he who follows me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life" John 8:12
"Yo soy la luz del mundo. El que me singue no andara en tinieblas, sino que tendra la luz de la vida." Juan 8:12

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Let the little children come unto me...

Tuesday we had the honor and priviledge of assisting Mexican Medical's Dental Unit and visiting Team of dentists and doctors. The mobile dental trailer was driven up from San Vicente - an hour south of us, and inidentally the location of our first missions trip to Mexico! Volunteers and Mexican Medical staff arrived in the morning and one by one the children had their teeth worked on. Some had cleanings, others fillings, even extractions. I became an assistant and learned how to operate suction while the dentist cleaned. Ed loveed his job: holding the little ones. The ones who needed help sitting, staying still, and needing encouragement sat in his lap... Ed was sad when the job was over.

Today is the anniversary of our departure from NH... it's hard to believe it's only been a month! So much has changed in our lives!

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!

one month!!

  well it has been one month since we left Jefferson, N.H.! Praise God we have not been sick! Thank-You everyone for praying for us! I am getting more into a routine now. I am taking Emiliano to school in the afternoon! He is improving everyday! I plan to mentor another boy Jose in the mornings! Thank-You for your continued prayers and support!
   ~ Senor Ed ~

Monday, October 3, 2011

From Jill

Well, it's been awhile since I posted here.... Senor Ed likes to have all the fun! We will be posting photos soon - our camera battery died and we lost the charger somwhere between Arizona and Mexico...another oops! Tomorrow, Tuesday, the Mobile Dental Unit of Mexican Medical will be at the Gabriel House! Several of the children will under -go anesthisia for oral surgery or just routine work (becasue they would not be able to sit still for their cleanings and such) Please keep them in your prayers. The dental unit is in a Mobile home that MexMed has outfitted as a dental office. It is housed about an hour south of here in San Vicente, which is where we first landed in Mexico several years ago!
Today, Monday, is Ed's second day at school with Emiliano, a 4 year old boy who is blind. Please pray that their day would go smoothly and that he would soon find peace. He has just been seperated from his mother, who is in the last stages of dying from Lupus. He is also used to being alone, and the Gabriel House is full of different children and adults. Plus, Ed is new to him, and so is school.
You may wonder why he is schooling outside of the Gabreil House. The classroom at GH is designed for childern who can learn on their own, with some catering to each ones needs - like homeschool. Our little Emiliano needs specific teaching/training for his special needs. There are also 4 other children with Downs Syndrome who may be attending a school in Ensenada (the city 10 miles north of us), again because their needs are special, outside the parameters of the GH classroom. Please pray that they will be able to attend.
At the GH I am often reminded of the Bible verse from Isaiah chapter 61: "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has annointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me (us) to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty for the captives and freedom for those who are bound."
We thank you for your prayers. Remember our prayer verse:  Colossians Chapter 1 " not cease to pray for us, and ask that we may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding: that we may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God" and please pray for us to be "strenghtened with all might, according to His glorious power."
We are indebted and humbled by your support. Thank you and God bless you ~ Dios les Bendigas!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Habla Espanol

   Can someone please help me!! I found this inexpensive beginner Spanish book and I have NOT LEARNED a thing in two weeks. The book did not come with instructions!
    Anyway, please pray for wednesday! I have a meeting with one of the childen from

Sunday, September 25, 2011


    I went with some of the kids from the Gabriel House to church. It was nice to sing " WE WANT TO SEE JESUS LIFTED HIGH " in SPANISH!! I picked up a few words from the message as well.  The key verse was ROMANS 8:38-39!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

prayer request

   We have some exciting possiblities coming up!!  There is a chance that I will be mentoring a blind boy ( a new arrival to the Gabrielle house ) through a local school in Ensenadda. Please pray for God's Will for Imiliano. There is also a staff member at the Gabrielle House who is trying to learn to speak English ( Just like Me ) Ha Ha Ha.  Seriously, He is teaching me Spanish and I am appreciative! The students at the Gabrielle House are laughing at my attemps of speaking Spanish. as long as they are laughing at me and not with me! Ha ha ha.
   We also had a great bible study today on VISION VS CALLING. Thank-You Ted!  The key verse i received was: 1 Timothy 1:12
                         " And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful,putting me into the ministry
         -SENOR ED-

prayer request

   We have some exciting possiblities coming up!!  There is a chance that I will be mentoring a blind boy ( a new arrival to the Gabrielle house ) through a local school in Ensenadda. Please pray for God's Will for Imiliano. There is also a staff member at the Gabrielle House who is trying to learn to speak English ( Just like Me ) Ha Ha Ha.  Seriously, He is teaching me Spanish and I am appreciative! The students at the Gabrielle House are laughing at my attemps of speaking Spanish. as long as they are laughing at me and not with me! Ha ha ha.
   We also had a great bible study today on VISION VS CALLING. Thank-You Ted!  The key verse i received was: 1 Timothy 1:12
                         " And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful,putting me into the ministry
         -SENOR ED-

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

we have arrived!

  We officially arrived in Maneadero, Mexico on septmber 12!! We left Jefferson,N.H on Tuesday, September 6 at around 8:35 A.M. We went through parts of VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, OHIO, INDIANNA, ILLINOIS, IOWA, NEBRASKA, COLORADO, UTAH, NEVADA, ARIZONA, AND CALIFORNIA! THANK-YOU for your prayers we could not have made it through without them! Oh, by the way, If anyone is passing through COLORADO anytime soon, I left my Glasses at a local convenience-Gas Station. I would appreciate it someone could pick them up for me! I am looking forward to getting into a routine at the Gabrielle House! I have-been over there a few times to get reaquainted with the staff and children. They all laugh at my Spanish! Jill has-been doing a GREAT job of organizing our rented house!
    We plan to start blogging on a regular basis!

-Senor Ed-
   Jill and I at a KOA campground in ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back in New Hampshire

The Three Stooges!  No, Actually our helpful cousins George Morgan and Tim Wagner, who helped drive us around and accommodate us!

A parting shot of the pacific Coast...

Welcome home to New Hampshire! Our friend Kristi  Hunter met us at the Manchester airport and took this photo of us in front of the "Welcome Moose"...she was our NH great to have such gracious and wonderful support on both sides of the country!! God is so good with his provisions!
Good news! We are close to 60% supported now!  So the anticipated fall departure is becoming a reality! WOW! We are totally excited, but facing the reality of saying goodbye to family is hard... also, my (Jill) mind is racing with all of the things involved with moving!  Please pray for us!
This week we will be working on a newsletter to send out over the next few weeks, sharing the good news of our adventure, and of course, the Good News of the Gospel!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Adios Mexico

Well, it's time to leave The Gabriel House and Mexico... sad time for us both. We feel so at home here. 

Jill says Hasta Luego to Angelica, the House Manager, because we know we'll see her soon!

We had our last meal with the Favers. Ted and Irene Faver are the founders and vision behind the Gabriel House. They are here with their daughters Stephanie, Ali and Anni.

Angelica drove us to the bus stop in Ensenada while.....
Ed tried his first Tamale!

The bus from Ensenada to the border is about 1 1/2 hours long, along the scenic coastal route. It stops in Tijuana, then we walk across the border.

Ed leaving Mexico......

....Jill entering the United States!

Today, Saturday, we will spend time with Jill's side of the family in the Orange County/Los Angeles area. Some we'll be meeting for the first time! We look forward to sharing with them our Mexico plans... soon we'll be neighbors!
Sunday night we return to San Diego, then fly home on Monday to New Hampshire.

Good Bye Gabriel House

Ed and Jill go to school! 
A la escuela, at school, we joined the children's activity time - BINGO! Ed really got into it! One of the boys would hold up the numbers for us. Even though he couldn't speak the numbers, he knew what they were. If he knew we needed a certain number to win, he would hide it behind his back! The teacher, Senora Claudia, is so patient with the children. Each child needs different teaching skills. You can also tell by her actions how much she cares for each on

Later on Friday, one of the teens pent time practicing his writing and studying his history book, while Ed played beads with a little friend!

We have had a quick visit here at the Gabriel House...we just arrived and now it's time to go - so sad. We really love our time here. 
This morning, Saturday , we will bus from Ensenada to the border. Our personal Taxi driver, George Morgan, will pick us up and we'll head to his house for lunch. 
Later today, we will visit family that lives near Los Angeles. We'll catch up, share about Mexico and celebrate the good news that we'll soon be neighbors!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Viernes - Friday

Well, we're finally caught up with the blogging! For our devout followers, thank you for your patience!
So today is Friday (viernes) ...

Ed began his day studying the English and Spanish Bibles (multi-tasking!)

Jill spending time with the less mobile children.  Although many can't communicate with words, they use their eyes and smiles. Just a simple touch on the face, or a stroke on the head can bring out a smile of love.

Ed took the initiative and went for a walk outside with some of the kids - they loved the motion and the sun!

We were able to join Physical Therapy... Ed really enjoyed himself!

more to come.....

At the Casa Gabriel (Gabriel House)

This is Raul Gabriel, the namesake of the Gabriel House. The Gabriel House is a residential full-service facility for severely disabled /handicapped orphans.  Located just south of Ensenada, it houses 25-35 children ages infant to 25. 

Ed is passing out sunglasses for the kids that were donated by his cousin Michael Hunt...the kids flocked to Ed like Santa! They were so excited to see what pair he'd pull out next and who would get them! Then they ran/wheeled around and around with joy! We had so much fun!

Our first day at the Gabriel House was wonderful! It was good to see familiar faces, both staff and children. The staff here work tirelessly at keeping the children clean, fed and healthy. We just love being here!
 More on Friday!

South of the Border

The Mexican Medical Staff Retreat 2011 - we are in the middle! What a wonderful couple of days! We learned leadership skills, and applying Matthew 25 in our lives and ministry. The focus was on identifying our gifts and talents and using them for God to produce "Fruit"... in otherwords, don't bury you gifts in the ground,, or hide your light in a bush! the challenge was put forth

Jill studying the lesson, and Colossians 1:9 (Which is our prayer verse, by the way) " We have not stopped praying about you (us) and asking God to fill you (us) with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding."

Ed visiting with fellow New Englander and MexMed Missionary Craig Libby. They had lots to talk about... the Bruins, the Red Sox, the Celts, the Patriots!

 Ed and Jill with Mexican Medical President Steve Crews and his lovely wife Jan! 

We have arrived at the GABRIEL HOUSE!!!! Hooray!!!!! Two days to spend with the children! We'll blog more on our visit later today!


We typed up a new blog entry last night, but for some reason it didn't post...oops! so here is the one from yesterday... Thursday!

Our personal Taxi a la Morgan, takes us to the Mexican Medical office in Lemon Grove, CA...just a short drive from Casa Morgan!

At the Mexican Medical office warehouse Ed sorts and inventories the eyeware from Cousin Michael Hunt... Thanks!

While waiting to leave for Mexico, we were put to work assembling newsletters. We left for Mexico about 3:30pm, and after several stops arrived about 6:30pm, just in time for dinner and evening devotions. Hooray! We're in Mexico!!!!!!

The Staff retreat was held at a costal camp... the view was beautiful and relaxing - perfect for fellowship!  We we will have two days of training as well... a wonderful experience!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hola - We are Here!

At the office we were put to work! Ed inventoried the eyeware that was donated from Cousin Micahel Hunt, then we helped fold newsletters. We left for Mexico about 3:30pm and arrived at the retreat in Ensenada, Mexico at 6:30 (we made a few stops!).

A view from the camp where our retreat was held. The breeze was quiet cool, but the view was wonderful! It provided a peaceful place for training and fellowship.
Ed always like to hang out with fellow New Englander and Missionary Craig Libby...they talk about lots of diffent things... the Bruins, the Red Sox, The Celtics, the Patriots!

Jill reviewing the morning teachings in the sun. The first morning we studied the passage from Matthew 25 about using your talents and gifts for the glory of God... and not to burry them.

 The Mexican Medical Staff Retreat team 2011 - we are right in the middle!

With Mexican Medical President Steve Crews and his wife Jan. They have become very dear to us, and put together a super retreat!

Today we arrived at the Gabriel House ... Jill is with Raul Gabriel, whom the House was named after. Raul has autism, and today he was extremely affectionate, wanting to hold our hands. It feels good to be here. There are some new faces. A new room has been added. New murals have been painted. }The children are in school this morning...we look forward to visiting and playing with them this afternoon!.}One girl, Irene (ee-ren-ay) doesnt go to school. She was stringing beads for jewelry.
Please keep us in prayer for the next few days... we will blog when we can.
Dios le Bendiga, God Bless You! Ed and Jill