Friday, May 15, 2009

News from Senor Ed

James 1:27
" Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: TO VISIT ORPHANS AND WIDOWS in their trouble.
I just had the extreme joy of walking with some of the older boys from the Gabrielle House. When we were here back in 2007, a little boy named "Teddy", loved to have his picture taken and he loved taking pictures! Well, just this morning, two years later, the first thing Teddy wanted me to do is take his picture ( I did not have my camera visible ). I did have my cowboy hat on ( The same one I had on two years ago ). God has given children wonderful memories.
Thank-you all for your prayers and continue to pray for the Gabrielle house and the staff.
Senor Ed.

Ed & I arrived in Maneadero, Mexico about 5pm yesterday - and the jet lag was really kicking in! (For those who might have concerns, we traveleed through the Tecate border crossing instead of the Tiajuana border crossing. Also, there have been no reported cases of Swine Flu in the Baja region.)
We traveled with Ted & Renie, the Directors of Gabriel House, and a fellow missionary named Becky, from Gorham Maine! Becky works all day with a group of 6 adolecent boys who are learning life skills. Ed "hung" out with them today! We spent time in the main house, which houses all the children, all ages and all different handicaps. Each of them is so interested is connecting with new people - holding hands, enjoying a touch, being held...
Ed & I are also spending time visiting with Ted & Renie, learing from their experiences, their vision for Gabriel house, and the amazing works of God that they have witnessed.
This afternoon Ed & I plan to spend a great deal of time praying.
We are grateful for your love and prayers, Jill