Monday, September 14, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits

Okay, so Mondays haven't worked out let's try TUESDAYS!
Since we've been home, we've been looking ahead to language school. After talking with Steve and Jan Crews, January is our target date. We are looking at schools in Mexico, Costa Rica & Guatemala. They are all very different. Big considerations are cost, curriculum and Christian influence. It's exciting, like planning a big trip and a college semester at the same time! It's also exciting because this is a huge commitment... the kind that sends chills down your spine - this is IT! We've been praying and talking and doing stuff up til now, but to have a real start date - wow - it takes you breath away! As much as we wish we could start tomorrow, there is MUCH to be done! So, we are trying to take care of all that we can now. One item we're focusing on is sharing with churches, small groups and individuals about God's plans for us in Mexico. This is where you could help. Could we speak at your church? Or could we speak to a small group of some of you friends? Or we'd even love to get-together with you! We are in need of developing a sponsorship base, a group of financial contributors who would like to support us on a monthly basis. Let us know! Dios Le Bendiga! God Bless You! Jill & Ed

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Weekly News from the Knoxes

Well now that we're home and the excitement from traveling has worn off, we've started looking into schools for learning Spanish. We are also looking at the the time frame we now have and trying to block out our time, spend it wisely and prepare for the mission field. One way we'll do that is by updating our "blog" postings weekly - we'll try Mondays for starters and see how that works for all of us! So tune in Monday for "News from the Knoxes"!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

ed's final thoughts from recent trip.

I am currently on pacific mountain eastern standard time. I begin this blog with some sad news. A young girl at the Gabriel House recently died of complications from chicken pox. Her name was ROSA and she was the youngest of four sisters. Shortly after hearing the news, I was reminded of God's word in which it says, " God created us in the PALM of His HAND ". Although her death came as a shock to many people, God knew when her time here on earth would be through. Please continue to pray for her sisters and the staff at the Gabrielle House.
On a different note, When I left the Gabrielle House last Sunday morning, I was saying goodbye to a little five year old girl playing on the swing set. My heart was telling me that it wasn't going to be a long Good-bye this time and that I would be returning in the near future.
I thoroughly enjoyed playing with the older boys and coloring with the little ones. The children taught me how to speak Spanish and our hosts were extremely encouraging and supportive.
Please continue to pray for Me and Jill and for God's direction for the Gabriele House!
Sincerely, Senor Edwardo

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I'm writing from home in Jefferson, New Hampshire, where it's pleasant but overcast today. Ed and I left his parents this morning at 5:30am so he could go to work...what a trooper! So were home, and wanted to share some of the insights from our visit to Mexico & Mexican Medical. Our visit continued to affirm our calling with Mexican Medical Ministries, especially at the Gabriel House location (there ae several other locations with different focuses along the baja). Ed fell into place naturally alongside the children coloring, playing, interacting...and my mind was full of thoughts that will assist me in my role in community relations. (The ideas still keep me up at night!)
So let's answer the question of "WHEN are you guys going?" We are planning on starting after the holidays!!! Hooray! A date to shoot for! We are hoping to start by going to language school for a few months. One thing God impressed upon us during this past visit was that in order to really be effective in our jobs, we need to be able to communicate effectively. If we were only going for a month or so, our spanglish would suffice, but we were so frustrated as it was with our limitations, that we knew we need some serious help in the language department! We are both super excited about this! We are just starting to look into schools, so we will keep you updated as we update ourselves!
Ed will write after he gets home from work, so check back in a few hours! jill

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our Blog Site....

This is the blog site for Ed and Jill Knox, sharing our journey into the world of missions, as we respond to the call God placed before us to work with Mexican Medical Ministries at the Gabriel House in Ensenada, Mexico with severely disabled children. We just returned from a quick trip to San Diego where we visited with the President of Mexican Medical Ministries, and several days in Mexico at the Gabriel House.

Hello Boston!

We were picked up at the Littleton Mass Train stop by Ed's parents about 30minutes ago....after our plane, subway, train trip east! What a great trip! Still one more leg to go - tomorrow morning we'll drive home (3 more hours) so Ed can work & I can fill y'all in on more info. Much to share! Just wanted all to know we're well and home (almost)!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Our last night on the west coast. Tuesday,we fly out at 9am Pacific time, and arrive in Boston at 5:30pm. Then the train to Ed's parents, a sleepover, and early drive back to NH Wednesday morning for Ed to work.....will post more soon! Good-bye palm trees and sunshine!

ED & Steve with the Coronado Bridge in background. Our meeting with them was very productive - we have so much to share! Tonight we're a bit tired... so stay tuned for our next posting!

Today we met with Mexican Medical Ministries President Steve
Crews & his wife Jan. Here, Ed & Steve discuss our plans for Mexico.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ed & Jill in front of the Mexican Medical Ministries office in San Diego, where we will spend Monday visiting with
President Steve Crews and his wife Jan.

Our California hosts and taxi drivers, Jill's cousin's,
Sheri & George Morgan...

Our Host home in Coronado, California, just outside of San Diego

Ed back in the Untied States with the Mexican border behind him

Little Angel sleeping peacefully
Sunday morning...

Ed & Jill with Renie & Ted Faver,
founders and Directors of the Gabriel House

Route 1 runs North-South down the Baja peninsula, and is Main Street in Maneadero

Play-Dough time with Consue

Jill holding "N'lito"

Ed feeding Angelito

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Matthew 25:40

Today was a blessed day! I had the joy of feeding a little two-year-old boy, Angel. He was crying, fussing, and was just having a hard day. The lord gave me patience and after an hour and one pasta stained pair of pants later, little Angel was ready for a nap!!
Please continue to pray for the staff and children like Angel!!


This will be a different blog entry. So far we've been pretty newsy, but today I'm going to share some personal reflections. In our photos we've been cheery and smiling, because we are happy to be here - but every moment here with the children evokes a myriad of emotions. We just finished helping feed lunch to some of the children. A language barrier can be so frustrating, especially while the staff is so busy with all the other children. My little boy Angel (Angelito) does not want to eat, and is crying. Is he upset with me? Is he not hungry? Is he sick? What is his conditition? I'm standing there in a room full of people, yet feel so alone helpless.
Every fiber of my being wants to help these children. And I believe God is telling me that I really need to know Spanish. Not just learn it, but truly know it. I've been taking classes with Sandra Hoffman, and had some high school teaching, but I feel like a fish out of water. I had thought that a language immersion class would delay our ministry work, but now I'm believing the opposite. Then we could come here and hit the ground running. Anyway, it's worth praying about.
We'll be spending Monday with Steve & Jan Crews, the President and his wife of Mexican Mediccal Ministries. I'm sure we'll discuss this and much much more!
On a lighter note, the weather has been beautiful - sunny, warm and I LOVE it! I'm off to find Ed - he's up at "The House" playing with the kids!. .. ...... ..... ....

.... ..... .... .... I found him! Ed, with the patince only God can give, was able to finish feeding Angelito! I am married to an AMAZING man! Then I had the priviledge of holding Angelito in a rocking chair for the past hour... he enjoyed it very much. N'lito spasms his body frequently, and when held, relaxes more. I believe that he is two, but the size of a smaller child. (A little peanut) who was dropped off here several months ago. While holding him I was reminded by God why we are here. Yes, it's helping feed babies, playing with children and holding those who hardley get held...but it's much more than that. We're here to help these children thrive. To find out who they are inside, to connect with each of them, to discover the wonderous beings God created trapped within these damaged bodies! I'll attach some photos later, love, Jill

Friday, May 15, 2009

Enjoying our visit in Mexico.....

Eddie and Teddie!

Ed & Jill with Dr. "Doc" Dickason in Lemon Grove, California. We were unexpectedly blessed to find Doc at the Mexican Medical Offices on our way south to Mexico. Doc is on the Board of Directors and has been busy helping renovate the new offices. He has personally been involved with the re-construction for weeks, and was working on an access door ramp this morning. Doc is a wonderful man, and asset to the Board and Mex Maed, and a faithful prayer warrior.
Our host family while staying in Maneadero: Kim, holding Chippy, and Chloe age 3 1/2. Kim is in the process of adopting Chloe. Chloe came to the Gabriel House at 3 weeks old as an HIV baby. She has since undergone treatments & prayer and is now healed!

A view from the back of Gabriel house
Ed & Jill pose in front of The Tree of Mexico
Jill with Sergio,
a super hugger!

Ed playing with Teddy and Consuelo

News from Senor Ed

James 1:27
" Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: TO VISIT ORPHANS AND WIDOWS in their trouble.
I just had the extreme joy of walking with some of the older boys from the Gabrielle House. When we were here back in 2007, a little boy named "Teddy", loved to have his picture taken and he loved taking pictures! Well, just this morning, two years later, the first thing Teddy wanted me to do is take his picture ( I did not have my camera visible ). I did have my cowboy hat on ( The same one I had on two years ago ). God has given children wonderful memories.
Thank-you all for your prayers and continue to pray for the Gabrielle house and the staff.
Senor Ed.

Ed & I arrived in Maneadero, Mexico about 5pm yesterday - and the jet lag was really kicking in! (For those who might have concerns, we traveleed through the Tecate border crossing instead of the Tiajuana border crossing. Also, there have been no reported cases of Swine Flu in the Baja region.)
We traveled with Ted & Renie, the Directors of Gabriel House, and a fellow missionary named Becky, from Gorham Maine! Becky works all day with a group of 6 adolecent boys who are learning life skills. Ed "hung" out with them today! We spent time in the main house, which houses all the children, all ages and all different handicaps. Each of them is so interested is connecting with new people - holding hands, enjoying a touch, being held...
Ed & I are also spending time visiting with Ted & Renie, learing from their experiences, their vision for Gabriel house, and the amazing works of God that they have witnessed.
This afternoon Ed & I plan to spend a great deal of time praying.
We are grateful for your love and prayers, Jill

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good Morning from California!

I must still be on East Coast time, because the clock here reads 6am, and most of you know that I don't usually do early mornings! So, what's up for today? Well, this moning we're going to buy a few food supplies at the Naval Commisary here on Coronada (my cousin George has been known for many years as "Captain"). They sell more than just food....I could get a little sidetracked! No, no! Don't worry. Cousin George & Ed will keep the reins tight! Then at 11am we are to meet up with Ted and Renie (short for Irene) Faver. They created Gabriel House (see link below) and are graciously bringing us under their wings. We'll drive with them to Mexico. Gabriel House is located in a little off-shoot of Ensenada, called Maneadero (I'll have to check the spelling). Ensenada is about 100 miles south of the border, and Maneadero is about 5 miles south of Ensenada. We will be staying in a guest room at the home of "Kim" who is another Mexican Medical missionary working with Gabriel House. So, those are the plans. We are so excited to be going "home" - at least that's what it feels like! I'll get a bit more to you soon... it's time for coffee!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Full Day of Travel

Planes, trains and automobiles - we made to San Diego! Our day was successful, if not long, but we are safe and sound and at the good graces of my cousin George and his wife Sheri ( and lil'dog Sophie!). The sweet smell of Night Jasmine is in the air, palm trees and flowers in the yard, and a warm, balmy feel that I have missed! Ed's already sleeping, and I will be too, soon. More in the morning! love, Jill

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We're so excited to go! On our way tomorrow! Pray for safe travels!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mexico Bound!

We are scheduled to visit San Diego California and the Gabriel House May 13-19!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Welcome! Bienvenido!

This is the blog site for Ed and Jill Knox, sharing our journey into the world of missions, as we respond to the call God placed before us to work with Mexican Medical Ministries at the Gabriel House in Ensenada, Mexico with severely disabled children.